As a Rotarian, you’ll be a part of Rotary’s 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

We actively seek to reflect the community that we serve, individuals of all genders, race, sexual orientation, nationality, ability, veteran status, and educational background are strongly encouraged to enquire.

    • Opportunities for hands-on local community service and international humanitarian projects.

    • Professional networking, fellowship, and leadership development.

    • Your membership is international – you will be welcomed at any club in the world.

    • Guest speakers and special presentations.

    • Subscription to Rotary Magazine.

    • Access to Rotary Fellowships, Action Groups, and Affinity Groups.

    • Attend regional and international conferences and events.

    • Meet new people and make new friends, locally and throughout the world – doing good is serious fun!

    • For more info on Rotary Membership click here

    • $300 Annual Dues

    • $10 Optional lunch meeting cost

    • Special club and district events might have separate charges or donations, all are optional.

    • Corporate membership options are available for multiple members from the same organization or business.

    • Meetings are held the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at Heights Crossing Assisted Living(35 Christy’s Place, Brockton MA 02301)

    • Attendance is always encouraged but never mandatory.

  • First:

    Attend a rotary meeting with a Rotarian friend, rotary colleague, or simply come as an invited guest of a Rotarian. Your first meal is on us. If after several visits you determine you have the time and interest to become a Rotarian ask your sponsor who must be a Brockton Rotarian for direction to becoming a member.


    Your sponsor will gather some personal information from you, which will be used in proposing you for membership through a submittal to our Membership Chair.


    The application is then forwarded to the Club's Board of Directors for review and a vote in accordance with our By-Laws. Upon Board Recommendation to the application, notice will be sent out to the entire Club’s membership presenting the new applicant for membership and assuming no objections to the proposed member you will be informed of your approval.  The applicant will then have an informal meeting with your sponsor and other Membership Committee members to discuss responsibilities as a member and to answer any questions.


    Upon approval and receipt of membership fees we will proceed to schedule induction at a Club meeting. (Feel free to invite family & friends).

    Now that you are a member of the Brockton Rotary Club...

    You will participate in Club meetings, Social events, Club fundraisers, Service projects and/or Committee meetings as your schedule permits. You are responsible to meet your annual dues requirement when invoiced along with pre-paid meal fees. Active participation leads to the best rewards of being a Rotarian.


Fill out the form below to get started!